Thursday, 3 March 2016

Evan's Dictionary

Sometimes I make up words. I think making up words is a valid strategy, especially for writers discussing relatively novel ideas, or novel perspectives on old ideas, if the majority of humans who would end up reading or hearing them would agree the meaning assigned to the word intuitively works. Thus, here are the words which, while I don't claim exclusive title to adding them to the English lexicon, seem rarely used before I thought of them myself. Additions to this dictionary are ongoing for the indefinite future. Suggested additions from friends of useful words they've made up and/or think I should also use, especially as the Evantionary see below) gains clout, are welcome and encouraged.

Dankularity: noun. A memetic dankularity is a joke and possibly a real prediction I've posited of some given subculture becoming primarily dominated by dank memes and other dankness-related phenomena as opposed to the domination of all other factors combined. 'Dankularity' as a word and idea is inspired by the idea of a technological singularity, as opposed to 'singularity' as its used in physics or other scientific disciplines.

Endarkenment: noun. The opposite of 'enlightenment'. Verb form: (to) endarken. Adj/Adv. form: endarken

Endodus: noun. The opposite of 'exodus'.

Evantionary: proper noun. A term I myself (Evan) and others may use to refer to 'Evan's Dictionary' (this here document). A portmanteau of 'Evan's' and 'Dictionary'.

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